Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My bathroom cabinet

The fact that everything is just shoved down there really bothered me. So I pulled everything out and sort it into gift bags, which is what I chose for a temporary fix until I get baskets or little containers or whatnot.

Aaaahhhhh..that is so much better!! This was another very quick fix!! It probably took 20-25 minutes! Now I know where everything is, it's so much easier on the eyes and it doesn't give me anxiety! As a matter of fact I actually smiled when I opened up the cabinet to grab something earlier!!

So go find a cabinet and while the kids watch an episode of spongebob squarepants you can have another corner of your life in order and not have to hear spongebob's obnoxious and annoying voice!! It's a win win!! And as always, I'm always up for comments, hints and tips!! Tell me what's working for you and what's not!!


1 comment:

  1. Great job!! Sometimes its the little corners that we get squared away that help us keep our sanity!


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