Thursday, September 13, 2012

Procrastination, Distrations, and Life..oh my!! it's been a little while since  I've been on seems that my house isn't organizing itself..bummer!! We are busy people, yes, but I think the main thing that keeps us from being organized is ourselves. OUCH!! Yeah..I don't like hearing that either!! So in the beginning it may seem like an undertaking, but  once you create a system that truly works, the upkeep is a cinch!! (at least that's what I've heard anyways!! lol!!)

Today I want to share the niftyest little thing I've done to keep some order in my house that's actually working!! This guy here:

This doomahicky has Jan-Dec and it's my tickler file!! This is to hold papers for events, appointments, engagements, whatever that are coming up in the future!! From forms for the Dr to tickets for a ball game!! It works in tandem with my calendar! So I write everything upcoming on my calendar that hangs in the kitchen. And anytime there is something that needs tickets, or forms, etc that goes with that event, I put an asterix by it and put that paper or papers into the appropriate month! Holy life-saver batman!! That way when you are walking out the door and your wonderful husband goes, "so do you have the tickets?!" You can reply, "YES I do and I know EXACTLY where they are!" Phew!! That beats the panic strickin' "Oh dear Lord, what nifty, intelligent hiding spot did I stash those darn things?!?!"

I realize this is relatively simple, but it's been such a stress reliever to me!!

Hope this helps you to move one step closer to a more organized, less stressed life!! I would love to hear any tips you may have that are working for you!!

So go make your tickler file and remember our motto, "GIT'R'DONE"!!!

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