Friday, July 23, 2010

Ba-bye hot spot!!

I got rid of the notorious drop spot, dump spot, hot spot, whathave you!! I really hate this spot in my kitchen that seems to be a magnet for all things random. And everytime I glance and see it all cluttered and disorderly, it brings up a myriad of negative emotions. Do you have a spot like this in your house, you know the one, you walk in the house with your purse, todays mail, school papers, those things you grabbed from the car and where do they go?? All in one collective spot...and THAT is the hot spot!

As you can see this is WAAAY overdue, this thing is growing and if I don't blast it out it will soon need its own zip code. Believe it or not I've cleared it off before, yep true story. I put everything in a box, threw the lid on shoved it out of the way and haven't seen it since. Well, except for the one time I needed some papers out of it. So, this time I brought in the folding table from the garage. Set it up so it would be in nice and close so I could take everything of this counter..and alas..there really IS a counter there!!

The other reason I used a folding table is so it wouldn't become a perminant fixture, this thing was in my way. There's no way it could be here any longer than necessary. I had to clear it all off in order to put it away. And I refused to put it back "neatly" or shove it in a box. I looked at this table now covered in random stuff and thought..

hhmm..if I were a stack of books where should I be?! If I were an important receipt where should I be?!? Everything headed for it's appropriate home. I decided what I would actually allow back onto the counter and put those things back. The end result eased the anxiety and brought on a sigh of relief..much better!!

So if a little spot of your home is looking a little conjested and disorganized and you wish it would go away..JUST DO IT!! If I can, you can, believe me!! It really didn't take that long, I wish I would have timed it but I forgot. Probably 30 mins!! Next I will be tackling the cubboard above and the drawer below this counter!!
One day at a time, one project per day (or more if time permits), I KNOW I will get this done!! Please let me know what areas you struggle with in your home!! Tell me what works for you and what doesn't!! Obviously you are not alone, so let me hear from you!!

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